Campus Couture

Chronicling the trends and fashions around Rowan University

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Everything must come to an end

Campus Couture started out as a class project for my Online Journalism I class. I’ve worked with websites and blogs before, so I was excited to see what I could learn from the class and my blog.

I’ve been able to learn a lot from the class. I was able to work with different types of media that I’ve never used before, such as audio and video. One thing I took away from this blog and my class, is learning how to work with audio. Learning how to edit audio, and upload it to my blog successfully is something I’m proud to say I learned how to do this semester. I was able to use this new skill for my final project.

I also was able to learn a lot about journalism. I learned that some people may not always be willing to be talked to, but you can’t let that stop you from reporting or achieving your goal of finishing a story. I enjoyed getting the experiences of interviewing people, and talking to people about what they were wearing. I was able to “break out of my shell,” and actually talk to people to get pictures or quotes.

I started the blog trying to focus on the trends around campus, and the inspiration behind why people wear what they wear to class. I found it was a lot of fun being able to interview people about their personal style. I also enjoyed being able to check out all the different outfits people wear on campus.

Now that the semester is over, I plan on ending this blog. Unfortunately, I don’t believe I will have the time to continue updating it. Although I plan on finishing my blog, I hope to eventually start another blog. This experience was great, and I hope to eventually be able to use the skills I learned in this course to help me on my path to becoming a magazine editor (hopefully).

I’m very proud of several posts I made this semester. These are my favorite posts, and the ones I’m most proud of.

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Rowan Greek life wears letters to prove the stereotypes wrong


The members of Alpha Sigma Alpha wearing their chapter letters

Walking around campus, it’s common to notice people wearing shirts, hoodies, and accessories with Greek letters on them. These students are members of Greek organizations on campus. Many students who are not a part of Greek organizations do not always understand what these letters mean, or have stereotypical thoughts when they see students wearing letters.

“When I see a guy on campus wearing Greek letters, my first thought is “frat.” My second thought is he’s not attentive in school,” said Zach Forlano. “When I see girls wearing Greek letters, I often think they are fake, stuck up, popular, and social. It’s the stereotype, and it’s what I always assumed they were like.”

Unfortunately, sometimes wearing Greek letters on campus will give other students the wrong idea. Members of Greek organizations don’t let that get to them, though.

“I love wearing my letters on campus. They’re a reminder to myself and everybody around me that I’m apart of a great organization of sisters,” said Cait Stulpin. “I know there are stereotypical thoughts about Greek life. I like being able to prove the stereotypes wrong while wearing my letters. It shows people that just because I’m in a sorority doesn’t mean I don’t care about my school work, or all I do is party.”

Many members of sororities and fraternities believe their letters represent more than just the organization they are in.

“It doesn’t matter what letters you are wearing. What matters is the fact that you are wearing letters, and these letters represent something bigger than just the organization you are in,” said Michele Marandola of Alpha Sigma Alpha. “We are one big community, and we all work together to help represent Greek life in general while wearing our letters. We do service events, we go to study hours, and we try our best to prove the stereotypes wrong.”

It’s difficult to walk around campus without running into at least one member of Greek life. Many students who are not a part of Greek life do not always know what the letters mean, or what the letters even are. I’ve personally had many of my non-Greek life friends ask me what letters on shirts mean. I love being able to explain what letters are what, but I also love being able to explain what the letters represent.

Greek life letters are bigger than just Rowan’s campus. Many members of Greek life have had experiences at work or on the boardwalk or at stores where different people have asked about their letters they were wearing. People who are not a part of Greek life ask what the letters mean, while people who are a part of Greek life start conversations about what organization they are from. Sometimes students will run into members of the same organization, only from different universities.

Being able to wear the Greek letters is a privilege, and an honor, especially when members of the Greek organizations are able to prove the stereotypes wrong.

John Koehler of the Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) fraternity

John Koehler of the Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) fraternity

Dan Woodhead of the Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) fraternity

Dan Woodhead of the Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) fraternity

Molly Scrabonia of the Theta Phi Alpha sorority

Molly Scrabonia of the Theta Phi Alpha sorority

Jerald Wesley's, of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, bottle opener with his letters

Jerald Wesley’s, of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, bottle opener with his letters

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Fashion Choices: from going to class to going out

Going to class and going out on a weekend are two different things. Most students dress accordingly. Some students get changed after class and wear completely different outfits when they go out. Some students only change their shoes, how they do their makeup, or their accessories. Many different outfits can be transformed and styled for both going to class and going out at night. College Fashion has a column, Class to Night Out, where they help readers style an outfit that can be worn during the day for class or at night for going out. This week, they have tips for readers on how to put together outfits for long-sleeve collared dresses.

Domenique Wood, a junior at Rowan, explains how she decides what to wear to class and what to wear when going out.

How does choosing what you wear to class differ from what you wear when going out? Who is your fashion icon, and does she influence how you dress at all? Do you ever wear something you would wear to class to a party, or vice versa?

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Looks on campus: Gabrielle Giordano

There’s always that one student that walks by you, and you wonder where she got her shoes. Gabi Giordano, a student at Rowan University, is one of those girls. She always looks confident and fashionable when going to class or going out. Shoes are a big part of Gabi’s outfits. She loves all kinds of shoes, especially heels and boots (if you have recently bought a new pair of boots, check out Lauren Conrad’s tips to wearing in your boots).

Gabi 1

How would you describe your style?

I like to think my style changes everyday, depending on my mood. I’m a girly-girl, but I like to put a little edge into my outfits.

Who would you say is your fashion inspiration?

All of the Kardashian’s. I love that they are all individual, but they all have ways of making themselves stand out, even if it’s just one accessory that they use.

What is your go to piece of clothing or accessory?

Shoes! If you have on a cute pair of shoes, the rest of your outfit can be anything. Shoes definitely make the outfit.

Gabi 2

What’s your favorite season to dress for?

The Fall because you start to wear sweaters and layer things. I also love wearing jackets. They always look cute.

Do you have a favorite store to shop at, or a favorite brand/designer?

I love New York & Company. I also love J.Crew. Their stuff is fun but classy.

How has your style changed since leaving high school, and coming to Rowan?

When I was in high school I thought wearing tight clothes was more flattering. Now being in college I think you can look just as cute completely covered up.

Gabi 3

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Winter weather arrives in fashion

The weather at Rowan has felt more like winter than fall these past two weeks. The recent snowfall caused students to bundle up and break out their winter clothes.

Her Campus magazine recently advised readers on the top winter fashion items of the year. Baggy sweaters, winter coats, and winter hats top their list of what every college student should have when facing the winter.

Speaking of winter hats, College Fashion supplied readers with 25 different winter hats, including beanies and different structured hats. Winter hats help keep students warm, and if you are having a bad hair day, they’ll hide your messy hair. They also look fashionable, and make students stand out on campus.

If it isn’t quite cold enough for a hat, try making your own floral headband. Headbands can help liven up your hair, and they also look cute.

Lauren Conrad helped readers find the perfect coat for the cool weather.

The changing weather can also affect a person’s beauty routine. Her Campus also provided readers with the five best drugstore buys for the winter. Included on the list is the Eos medicated lip balm, which helps protect people from germs.

Also, the nearing end of fall means Black Friday is around the corner. Her Campus let readers know the best Black Friday deals this year.

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Jessica Edelson’s jewelry makes her stand out

There are many things that can make a person stand out on campus, like neon colored pants or really cute shoes. The jewelry that one wears can also make a person stand out. Jewelry is often used to make a statement or to make an outfit standout.

Jessica Edelson, a student at Rowan University, stands out because of her unique jewelry that nobody else has. She has been making her own jewelry for nine years, ever since she was 13.


What made you start making your own jewelry? Do you have a favorite type of jewelry you enjoy making the most? Do you see yourself having a future in jewelry making?

A necklace that Jessica made

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Looks on campus: Nicole Schwartz

When walking around campus, or sitting in class, there is usually that one person who always looks put together, and you always want to ask where she got her dress. She never shows up in sweatpants, or pajama bottoms, and her hair is always done. Rowan sophomore, Nicole Schwartz, is one of these girls.  She’s not afraid to dress the way she wants, and she knows how to wear a beanie. One never would have thought that this 19-year-old used to wear t-shirts and jeans to school.


A typical outfit worn by Nicole includes a casual dress, a beanie, a cardigan, and flats.

How would you describe your style?

I would describe my style as “casual dressy”. I love wearing dresses with hats, cardigans (or hoodies), and flats. My dresses are not too fancy and, for me, its more comfier than wearing pants.

Who would you consider your fashion inspiration? Where is your favorite place to shop?

I don’t really have a fashion inspiration (I usually just wear whatever I like), but I do enjoy watching fashion/outfit idea videos on Youtube. They sometimes have good ideas, or I may see a dress or shirt that I like that the person is wearing. My favorite places to shop are Pacsun and Forever21.

What is your go to accessory or piece of clothing? What is one accessory you couldn’t live without?

My favorite piece of clothing is a dress or skirt. The accessories I can’t live without are my beanies and berets.

Has your style changed from the time you were in high school, to now that you’re in college? How?

My style has changed a little bit. I used to wear band T-shirts and jeans from middle school until sophomore year of high school. Junior year of high school is when I started wearing dresses, but not as much as I do now. When I went to college, I started wearing pants less and dresses more. Now I barely wear jeans or leggings. My entire closet is a mix of dresses and skirts.

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Which shoes do you wear on campus? Style or comfort?

Being a student at Rowan requires a lot of walking around campus. Some students live off campus, and walk to class every day. Some students have classes on opposite sides of campus. Recently, College Fashion listed six shoe trends for the fall back to school season. These included ankle boots, Mary Jane pumps, and Oxfords. Walking around campus, one can see so many different kinds of shoes.

Does style matter more, or does comfort?

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Colored pants and bags cover campus

With the weather getting cooler, shorts and skirts are disappearing, and jeans and pants are starting to appear on campus more. Colored jeans have become more popular. Students can often be seen walking around campus in brightly colored pants (as I type this, I’m wearing bright pink pants). Unsure of how to pull off colored jeans? Her Campus magazine provides readers with 20 ways to wear colored jeans. A few of their suggestions include rocking a leather jacket, wearing a simple tank top, or using more accessories.

Not feeling the colored pants trend? Try wearing patterned pants or leggings. College Fashion offers tips on how to wear patterned pants (or leggings). One of their tips is if you’re trying pants with floral designs, or polka dots, or subtle details, try to keep your top half simple. They also offer suggestions on how to wear leopard print pants if you are into animal print.

What else comes in bright colors or cool patterns? Bags! Many students walk around campus carrying their school books in either book bags, tote bags, or large purses. A lot of students carry brightly colored bags to stand out. Earlier in the school year, Teen Vogue offered 100 different backpack options as part of their back to school special.

Her Campus magazine also suggests a bag from LeSportsac. LeSportsac offers multiple kinds of bags, including backpacks, tote bags, cross body bags, or even pencil cases. These bags are brightly colored with fun patterns, and are perfect for walking around campus with.

If you’re planning on going out on a Friday night, and you don’t want to bring your backpack, try one of these “going-out” purses that Her Campus suggests. These bags are perfect for going out on the weekend after classes are done.

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Scarves: this fall’s most essential accessory

Fall accessories were broken out of closets this week on campus. Scarves are one of the biggest and most essential accessories for fall. There are many different kinds of scarves. There are also several different ways to wear scarves, including “the prep,” “the boho,” and “the modern.” Glamour Magazine also has a video where viewers can learn how to wear a scarf in four new ways.

Walking around campus, one is bound to see students wearing scarves, especially with the weather getting cooler. Want your scarf to stand out from all the other scarves? Try making your own printed word scarf to wear around campus.